It is the information for all those eligible students , who have not submitted their details to  deparmental head regarding the infosys.. Kindly those students send their all details lastest by 13 dec, monday at 12pm in following format.

Kindly make it ensure as per the laid guidelines of calculating the average percentage given in the instructions, that you are eligible for applying.
Eligible students are required to perform following steps to apply for the same:
1. Filling of Scholastic Averages Sheet
a. Download Scholastic Averages Sheet here
b. Student after completely filling it, will sign it and get it verified from the department academic in-charge.
c. Make it ensure: Students should submit copy of this final sheet to departmental training & placement in-charge. From the students who are on training, copy can sent through email or fax as per following addresses. Also mention (Branch, Univ. R.No., & email id, mobile number) on the scholastic average sheet.

ECE : mimitece@yahoo.com
CSE : mimitcsea@yahoo.com, mimitcseb@yahoo.com
IT : mimititnew@yahoo.com
ME : mimitme@yahoo.com
FAX No.: 01637-264511

d. Carry the original of Scholastic Averages Sheet on the day of event.

2. Instructions for candidates
Kindly remain updated about the latest online information also, posted on tpo blog www.tpomimitmalout.blogspot.com.
On the day of event, the students should be dressed in formals & they must carry:
1. A valid identity proof in original, preferably the college ID Card.
2. Duly filled & signed Scholastic Averages Sheet.
3. Two copies of Resume.
4. Two recent passport size photographs.
5. Attested copies of all certificates & marks sheets of 10th, 12th, Diploma (if applicable), B.Tech., as the case may be.

Selection process will be as follows:
 PPT/Q-A Session (60 minutes) in the morning, to be followed by
 Filling up of application blanks (30 Minutes)
 Test of Arithmetic Reasoning and Analytical Thinking (40 minutes)
 Comprehensive test of communicative English (35 minutes)
 Personal Interviews (As per schedule to be published at the Campus)

Other important instructions page, click here
Regards Training and Placement Cell MIMIT Malout