t gives me immense pleasure to announce ‘Udaan 2013’ – The Mega Job Fest on 1stMarch 2013at Chandigarh Group of Colleges, Campus Jhanjeri, (Mohali) in association with Govt. of Punjab to provide placement opportunities for our youth.
‘Udaan 2013’ Punjab’s biggest Job Fest in terms of number of vacancies (approx.1000) will act as a platform for students of various disciplines and levels like MBA, MCA, B.Tech, BBA, BCA, B.A., B.Com, B.Sc, B.Sc-Hotel Management, B.Sc. Airlines & Toursim, Diploma, ITI & 10+2. The potential candidates will have a vast opportunity to appear for a number of interviews in their respective field at a common platform on two days of festival.
Through this letter, we would request you to kindly extend your worthy co-operation for the above cause and convey this precious information to the students of all the courses under your preview, so that they can avail this golden opportunity to appear for the interview in their dream companies.
You are requested to inform and instruct all of your students of 2013 (Passing out Batch), and 2012 & 2011 (Passed Out Batches) to register online at our college website:http://cgctechnicalcampus.org, or alternatively, you can send the data of the eligible and desirous students to us, as per the format attached herewith, latest by 25th February 2013 atcrccgc2@gmail.com. (Please refer to the attached documents for registration and detail of visiting companies). We earnestly solicit your cooperation in this regard.
For queries please feel free to contact us at: 9781925274, 9781925289, 0172-3984241
Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours sincerely,
Amandeep Singh
Head-Training & Placement
Chandigarh Group of Colleges,
Jhanjeri (Sirhind Road), Mohali
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