One semester Industrial Training for Mechanical Engineering (Batch-2014)

Dear MIMITians,

It has to inform to all the students of Mechanical Engineering 2014-Batch that Punjab Technical University is going to organize an event for the selection of  one semester Industrial Training.

Details of the event are mentioned below:

Day & Date:  
Monday, March 18, 2013

Reporting Time:
1000 Hrs

Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Ludhiana (GNDEC)

Majestic Autos Ltd.

Mechanical Engg. With No-Reappear in any semester (only male)

Rs. 2530-p.m.

Students participating in the said event must bring the followings:

  •  College ID card/Bonafide Certificate from the Principal of the college
  • Hard copy of CV, Passport size photograph & Xerox of Mark Sheets (10th Std onwards)
For any queries you may call at +919478098076