"PTU Industrial Training Fest"

Dear MIMITians;

It has to inform to all the students of Batch-2014(ECE, CSE & IT) that Punjab Technical Univesity invites to participate in the selection process of one semester industrial Training.

The further details of the event are mentioned below:

Day & Date:
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Reporting Time:
0900 hrs

Venue :
lndo Global College of Engineering, Abhipur. Mohali

Details of Participating Companies:

The participants are required to bring the followings:
  • College ID card/ bonafide certificate from the principal of the college
  • Hard copies of CV, Passport size photographs & Xerox of Mark sheets (10th standard onwards).
The selected students will not be charged with any training fee or any other charges by any of the above mentioned organizations.

For further queries you may call at +919478098076.